Our History Courses
List of Courses:
*Honors Medieval History (7th-12th grade recommended) - *out-of-pocket - not charter approved
Honors Independent Study Medieval History (7th-12th grade recommended)
Honors World History (9th-12th grade recommended)
*Honors Omnibus: America (American Literature & Composition, American History, Bible/Theology, Government) (11th/12th grade recommended) *out-of-pocket - not charter approved
Independent Study Honors Omnibus: America (American Literature, American History, Government) (11th/12th grade recommended)
*Honors Omnibus: Apostles (World History, World Literature, Bible/Theology) (12th grade recommended) *out-of-pocket - not charter approved
Independent Study Honors Omnibus: Apostles (World History, World Literature) (12th grade recommended)
Dual Enrollment courses through Santiago Canyon College - Click here to learn more!
HIST 101 - World Civilizations to the 1600s (3 credits)
HIST 102 - World Civilizations since the 1600s (3 credits)
HIST 120 - The United States to 1877 (3 credits)
HIST 121 - The United States Since 1865 (3 credits)
Honors Medieval History: 7th-12th grade recommended
This course covers World and Church History from the Fall of Rome through the Renaissance. Chronologically speaking, it starts with the demise of the last Western Roman Emperor in AD 476, and ends around 1600.
On the World History side, the course starts with a review of the Roman Empire. The first fifteen weeks focus on Western Europe, with side trips to the Middle East for the rise of Islam and the Holy Land Crusades. Then come several weeks in Asia, with chapters on India, China, Japan, Mongolia and more. After a chapter on medieval Africa, we move on to the Age of Exploration, Christopher Columbus and the conquistadors. Then come three weeks on the Protestant Reformation, the Renaissance in Art and the Renaissance in Science. We end the year back in Western Europe, where we spend four weeks with King Henry VIII of England and his three children: Edward VI, Bloody Mary and Elizabeth I.
On the Church History side, the course starts with some of the early Christian martyrs under the Roman Empire, followed by the monastic movement and the development of the Roman Catholic Church. Controversies and schisms play a big part in the course as well. We cover the Great Schism between East and West, the Western Schism within the Church itself, and several others. We end the year with the biggest schism of all: the one that started with the Protestant Reformation.
Materials for Honors Medieval History:
Medieval Remember the Days (7th-8th grades recommended)
Medieval History Companion (9th-12th grades recommended)
Historical Fiction Literature Books - TBD
Honors Independent Study History: Medieval/Middle Ages - 7th-12th recommended
Click HERE for more information
Honors World History (10 credit) - 9th-12th grade recommended
Course Description & Book List Coming Soon!
Honors Omnibus Class: America* (American Literature & Composition - 10 credits; American History - 10 credits; Bible/Theology - 10 credits, Government) - 11th-12th grades recommended
Building on the skills learned in the Inklings class, this course provides continued growth in critical thinking, academic writing, and biblical hermeneutics while providing a strong foundation in early American literature, history, and government. Students study the founding documents of the United States along with other literary and theological writings. Authors include John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Jonathan Edwards, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Emily Dickinson, Frederick Douglass, and others. The students also study law and authority, along with other themes, in the biblical books of Exodus and Amos. We recommend that parents and independent study programs count this class as meeting the requirements for thirty-five high school academic credits: American Literature and Composition (ten credits), American History (ten credits), Bible/Theology (ten credits), and Government (five credits).
Students will analyze and interpret early American literature and biblical books in collaboration with others. Students will
identify and summarize major arguments in early American nonfiction work and in biblical books
identify major themes and summarize the plot in works of early American fiction and in biblical books
identify textual and historical context for a fictional or biblical passage
support their interpretations of a text with textual citations
identify and analyze key themes in early American texts
characterize the different genres of sermon, essay, novel, poem, and short story
compare and contrast the ideas and writing styles of the various authors studied
trace the literary development of early American culture and identify key movements
Students will analyze and interpret the early texts of American history in collaboration with others. Students will
examine and synthesize major historical developments of the United States as expressed in her literature
identify the ideas that shaped American culture and trace their evolution
articulate significant historical and cultural ideas in outline and essay form
Students will analyze and interpret the early texts of American government in collaboration with others. Students will
identify key elements and competing philosophies of government
articulate the competing ideas and ideologies underscoring the Federalist and Anti-Federalist debates
identify the philosophies that shaped the U.S. Constitution
explicate biblical teachings on law, authority, and social justice in Exodus and Amos
identify the propensities for good and ill in American government and society
trace and critique the evolution of American philosophies of government
Students will apply knowledge gained from a synthesis of multiple texts and discussions. Students will
evaluate ideas based on the Bible as the ultimate authority on Truth
exhibit discernment in moral and ethical issues
demonstrate a willingness to change beliefs and behaviors due to the insight of others
Students will contribute in intellectual discussion confidently, critically, and charitably. Students will
ask relevant, critical questions about texts and ideas
distinguish between good and bad arguments
recognize, imitate, and produce sound, compelling, and logical arguments
assess multiple perspectives with fairness and precision in reading, discussion, and writing
assert opinions and beliefs with courteous and reasonable arguments
Course objectives will be realized through the intensive reading, writing, and discussion required of the students. Discussion and the writing assignments will serve as evaluative tools to assess the student’s progress toward the set objectives. Student notebooks serve as a catalog of the student’s progress through the course of the academic year, and the final term paper is equivalent to a final exam.
^NOTE: If this is your first Omnibus class, you must also concurrently take Inkwell. This live, online Writing Seminar meets once per week to help prepare students for the writing coursework. A skilled writing mentor will guide students through the basics of crafting weekly assignments, formatting, and term paper development while providing time for students to ask questions and get feedback. (Live sessions will be recorded for students who cannot attend.) Brief supplemental assignments will aid students in their Omnibus class coursework. Inkwell supplements the composition component of the Omnibus class and does not count for class credit on its own.
Materials for Omnibus: America
The Norton Anthology of American Literature - 8th Ed., Vol. A & B
Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes
Second Treatise of Government by John Locke
The Spirit of the Laws by Charles de Montesquieu
A Jonathan Edwards Reader by Jonathan Edwards
John Wesley by John Wesley
The Essential Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers by Hamilton, Madison, Jay, etc.
Exodus - English Standard Version (any publisher)
The Portal Edmund Burke by Edmund Burke
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Portable Thoreau by Henry David Thoreau
Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville
Selected Speeches and Writings by Abraham Lincoln
A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches by Martin Luther King, Jr.
Independent Study Honors Omnibus: America (American Literature, American History, Government) - 11th-12th grade recommended
Click HERE for more information
Honors Omnibus Class: Apostles*^ (World History - 10 credits; World Literature & Composition - 10 credits; Bible/Theology - 10 credits) - 11th-12th grades recommended
This course provides a rich foundation in medieval and Renaissance literature, Church history, and theology. Students study the letters, histories, poems, narratives, and theology produced by the Church and society from the New Testament through the Reformation. Authors include Athanasius, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Dante Alighieri, Petrarch, Geoffrey Chaucer, Martin Luther, John Calvin, and others. Selected creeds, the Gospel of Luke, the Acts of the Apostles, and the epistles to the Galatians and Ephesians will also be discussed and studied.
Students will analyze and interpret Medieval and Renaissance literature. Students will
synopsize the major argument or theme of a written work in five sentences
explicate the key themes of particular literary works
support their interpretations of a text with textual citations
research and present the background, historical context, and authorial information for a particular text
analyze and articulate key themes and ideas in medieval and Renaissance literature
characterize the different genres of allegory, epic poem, essay, and homily
compare and contrast the ideas and writing styles of the various authors studied
trace the literary development of early Medieval and Renaissance culture and identify key movements
Students will analyze and interpret the texts of world/Church history, including biblical texts. Students will
trace major historical developments of the Medieval and Renaissance West as expressed in literature
identify the ideas that shaped Medieval and Renaissance culture and trace their evolution
analyze the historical development of the Christian Church from the time of Christ through
the sixteenth century
articulate the interrelationship of the Christian Church and the medieval and Renaissance West
Students will apply knowledge gained from a synthesis of multiple texts and discussions. Students will
evaluate ideas based on the Bible as the ultimate authority on Truth
synthesize the relationship between Christian faith, the life of the mind, and daily living
exhibit discernment in moral and ethical issues
demonstrate a willingness to change beliefs and behaviors due to the insight of others
apply a historical perspective to Christianity, Christian doctrine, and the contemporary church
Students will contribute in intellectual discussion confidently, critically, and charitably. Students will
ask relevant, critical questions about texts and ideas
distinguish between good and bad arguments
recognize, imitate, and produce sound, compelling, and logical arguments
assess multiple perspectives with fairness and precision in reading, discussion, and writing
articulate significant historical and cultural theses via formal outline and oral presentation
assert opinions and beliefs about history and culture of Western civilization with courteous and reasonable arguments
respond to opposition to opinions and beliefs with courteous and reasonable rebuttals
Course objectives will be realized through the intensive reading, writing, discussion, research, and oral presentation required of the students. Oral presentations, discussions, and writing assignments will serve as evaluative tools to assess the student’s progress toward set objectives. Student notebooks serve as a catalog of the student’s progress through the course of the academic year, and the final term paper is equivalent to a final exam.
^NOTE: If this is your first Omnibus class, you must also concurrently take Inkwell. This live, online Writing Seminar meets once per week to help prepare students for the writing coursework. A skilled writing mentor will guide students through the basics of crafting weekly assignments, formatting, and term paper development while providing time for students to ask questions and get feedback. (Live sessions will be recorded for students who cannot attend.) Brief supplemental assignments will aid students in their Omnibus class coursework. Inkwell supplements the composition component of the Omnibus class and does not count for class credit on its own.
Materials for Omnibus: Apostles
Luke & Acts (English Standard Version)
Galatians & Ephesians (English Standard Version)
The Apostolic Fathers by Rick Brannan (translated)
Creeds of the Churches by Leith, Ed.
The History of the Church by Eusebius
On the Incarnation by Athanasius
Confessions by Augustine
The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius
The Confession of St. Patrick by Patrick
The Song of Roland by Dorothy L. Sayers (translated)
Treatise on Happiness by Thomas Aquinas
The Divine Comedy: Inferno by Dante (translated by Esolen)
The Divine Comedy: Purgatory by Dante (translated by Esolen)
The Divine Comedy: Paradise by Dante (translated by Esolen)
The Poetry of Petrarch by Petrarch
Pearl by Tolkien (translated)
The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
Selections from His Writings by Martin Luther
Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin
Edmund Spenser’s Poetry by Edmund Spenser
Independent Study Honors Omnibus: Apostles (World History, World Literature) - 12th grade recommended
Click HERE for more information